
Women in Mathematics

Regensburg GAP Days

Regensburg, 28th - 30th July 2025

A conference in Geometric Group Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Analysis of PDEs organised by WiM Regensburg

Our conference gathers together experts and young researchers in the different areas of Geometric Group Theory, Arithmetic Geometry and Analysis of PDEs, three of the research fields of which the Math department in Regensburg consists.

This conference, aimed in particular at early career mathematicians, offers an exploration of these diverse areas of mathematics, providing a stimulating environment for positive and profitable scientific interactions and collaborations among speakers and participants.

To pursue this goal, we will offer to the participants the opportunity to present their own results. 

The WiM Regensburg group aims to play an active role in helping raising awareness of the gender dynamics existing in the field of mathematics. Therefore, we are incorporating a lecture on gender equality and a Career Panel alongside our mathematical presentations.

Social activities encouraging interaction between participants will be also a key feature.


The conference will be divided for most of its activities in three parallel sessions, each of them offering a minicourse, a plenary talk and some contributed talks by participants.

Since we also think that interdisciplinarity is an important feature in the math world, we will offer also three plenary talks, one for each field, to the whole audience, together with a poster session and a gong talk session.



Apply here. Limited fundings for travel and accommodation are available. Deadline for financial support and/or contributed talks is April 30th 2025.

Everyone - not only women! - is welcome to apply!

Poster of the conference

Organizers: Chiara Sabadin, Eleni Hübner-Rosenau, Malena Wasmeier, Matthias Uschold



